I am back after a short intrenetless hiatus! I went over my limit for the month of my Internet so I could only do the basic of things and even when I bought an extra GB of bandwidth I was still overly cautious ( YouTube is my downfall sometimes!) I was very worried about making it until my anniversary date of the 18th !
Now that I have finished my rant over the lack of Internet, here is what has been happening in Kimmirut.
Fall has descended on Nunavut.... I have a hard time typing this because I do not believe it is fall .... I am pretty damn sure it is winter though everyone tells me that it is fall and winter is not yet here. I did miss the leaves turning and the smell of fall in New Brunswick this year but I got to have some awesome adventures this fall/winter.
One of the things I have been doing recently is socializing with friends more. Almost every night we get together for dinner and tv or a movie. We also go to each others houses and just chill. It is a new thing for me as I would have people over once in a while but generally stuck to myself now not so much which is great now that the days are getting shorter!
Ever since daylight savings time ended I have been having a hard time adjusting to the fact that the sun goes down before my lunch is over.. ( I normally have lunch at like 2-3) It is pitch black when I arrive home it really messes with your mind. It is hard when I am off and sleep in till like 10 , 11 or even 12 ( sometimes I need the sleep ) and I only have a few hours of day light..
This is what sunrise looks like ... this was taken about 9 am
Sometimes we don't even get sun just little teasers! This was about 12pm
Then the sun goes away
Through all this change of daylight hours the weather has been very inclement as well! Blizzards and snowfall warnings have hit Kimmirut twice in the past two weeks it is now officially Canada Goose weather ( for me it has been for the past two weeks!) I did not purchase my Canada Goose parka until I got up here mainly because in New Brunswick that is not possible in May so I ordered mine through work and it isn't here yet :( So Sheryl lent me her Canada Goose Resolute parka ( the same model I ordered ) she does not need it because she is way acclimatized but I do!
The other night I came home from having a get together with friends at about 1am and was checking my email and found a Tweet from my friend Sarah who blogs as www.sarahontheroad.com telling me she nominated me for a Liebster Award and giving me a link to her blog post ... I had to admit I was curious as to what exactly a Liebster Award was.
The Liebster Awards are given by bloggers to up and coming bloggers who do not yet have 200 followers.
The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest,
dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and
1. Each Person posts Eleven things about them
2. Answer the questions the
nominator made for you, and create 10 more questions for the blogs you
3. Choose nominations and
link them to your post.
4. Go to their page and
tell them.
Here are Eleven Random Facts about Me !
- Books are a passion and something I cannot go a day without reading! My friends have even described a bibbliomaniac and I fear some days it is true! I have spent many a nights awake just finishing the last pages of a book sometimes even the sun is coming up!
- I love to bake but I hate to clean up my baking dishes... I wish I had a person just to clean up all the dishes you accumulate from baking.
- I hate mornings .. it is kind of sad how much I enjoy sleep I have the most annoying ring tone on my old cell phone as I can ( a Roster crowing ) and I set my alarm for three different times before I wake up..
- My favorite city to visit is Boston so much history and love walking around Cambridge
- I have way too many travel ambitions and they vary from wanting to see Greenland to lounging on a beach in the Bahamas
- Before moving North I would never eat anything that was not Chicken , pork or Beef ... Now I love seal and muktuk... but I would still never eat a Mushroom
- I am a huge Criminal Minds and NCIS freak.. I could watch them for ages and never get bored
- I believe there should be a recipe for everything... Soups , baked beans and things that my family tell me is just a bit of this and that annoy me so I make them give me more precise measurements
- Grocery Shopping relaxes me.. Nothing better than finding yummy foods to eat and being able to take as much time as you want... Grocery shopping on the fly frazzles me
- My musical tastes vary depending on my moods... I love everything from rap to classical , heavy metal and country
- Nothing is better on a cold winter night ( or in this case Fall night) then watching Disney cartoon movies... reminds me of being a kid!
My TEN Questions form Sarah are:
1. Where is your happy place? My Happy place is sitting outside in the sunshine reading my books.
2. What is your least favourite thing to do? Dishes... I don't know why but that is my least favorite chore
3. Why did you choose to live where you are living? I didn't choose Kimmirut per say as this is where they placed me but I did make my preference known for Nunavut and above the Tree Line.
4. What is your absolute comfort food? It may sound gross but elbow macaroni cooked and then you take a can of Campbell's tomato Soup and do not dilute it and mix it with the macaroni... it is my child hood favorite.
5. If you had to pick three friends to be on your team to survive a zombie apocalypse and explain why they are on your team! Humm that is a hard question.. I would say Jen because she is the person that I think would have the most level head and could keep the hysteria down. My friend Hanna would be the one who would find food because she is always trying new things and could probably convince us to eat crazy things. My sister Whitney because she has enough survival skills to keep us all alive!
6. What is your most favourite song? That is for sure a hard question! I like too may songs but if I had to say if there was one song I favorite is a Parody of LMFAOs Party Rock Anthem... Called Potter Rock
7. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done? Craziest thing I have ever done was break out dancing and singing loudly in the middle of the store I work in because the song "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" came on
8. If you could have coffee with anyone in the world who would it be? and why? I would love to have coffee with Hannah Howell she is my favorite author and I would love to just talk to her about how she comes up with her ideas and can make them carry on through many books.
9. If you could go on an all expenses paid holiday for 2 weeks – where would it be? I would go to the Scottish Highlands... it has always been a place that fascinates me the mystery and the history .. I would explore every castle I could.
10. When did you start blogging and why did you continue to blog? I started this blog because I wanted to share my experiences living in the North. I also wanted a way for my family to keep in touch with my adventures without having to send out a million emails every time. As well not everyone gets to experience the North and alot of people have questions so I hope my blog answers some of them.
My 10 Questions for my Nominees are:
1) What is your favorite move of all time?
2) What is one skill you do exceptionally well?
3) If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go an why?
4) What is one food you would never stop eating?
5) What is your worst habit.. Would you change it?
6) What is the one thing that always comes with you on all your moves?
7) If you could dance with one celebrity for an hour would you dance with?
8) What drew you to area where you live?
9) What is the one piece of clothing in your wardrobe that you love?
10) Why do you continue to blog?
My Nominees:
Darcy- http://eighteightyone.blogspot.ca - A former Nunavut Blogger who now resides in Fort Mac and I love reading his adventures out West.
Townie Bastard- http://towniebastard.blogspot.ca/ - The Godfather of Nunavut blogging ... Have to say he is a plethora of information!
Golda- http://justgolda.blogspot.ca/- A teacher here in town who has become a great friend this blog is her adventures as a teacher in the North
My next blog post was going to be about my visit with my Nannie as she was due to leave today.. Guess what she is still here! We got a wicked snowstorm last night and into today. Lots of snow down and mixes of freezing rain and snow needless to stay no planes flew today.
After spending the better part of the morning re- arranging Nannie's travel to Monday so she wont miss any of her connections ( and possibly saying a few choice words for her travel agent who said they did not take care of cancellations or weather delays) and calling home to make sure that people back home knew she was not coming. She got all settled in I had to go to work which sucked but oh well.
Before work I decided I would go take some pics of the outside and the weather .
Looking out on to the harbour ... that is actually fog not snow but love the pics.
After taking these pics I decided to indulge in some snowman building... It was just the perfect snow for snowmen! I did not have much to work with to make the snowman but I grabbed two green thumb tacks and a baby carrot and a piece of licorice and green food coloring.
This was my final creation:
Sadly when I came home from work for lunch Mr. Snowman was no more due to the freezing rain :( It was still fun to dress up in all my winter gear (snow pants and all) and romp around in the snow!